Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 8- Sounds of the Safari

Today we woke up at 4. Yuck. We drove about 45 minutes to Kruger. The ride was really cool because it was dark and all the houses on the mountains were lit up and it looked like in Tangled when they all lifted the lanterns. 

We rode through the park undisturbed as Miss Hartmann and Stel and Jen sang songs. We talked about NSync, David Bowie, Musicals, an Tswift. I think one direction was in there a few times. It was an alright ride. We saw a whole herd of elephants and 4 out of the big 5 at the park. We never got to see a leopard which made me sad because I was wearing leopard print pants so that I could join their pack. I was also planning on writing up a list of allergies to give them just to make sure the food they caught met my standards. Also, we were talking about how hippos probably have a mafia and all they do is train to kill 2.5 people every year. I'll attach some good quotes at the end. Oh and finally Pastor said that nature was awesome because we're breathing the same air as the animals. Everyone agreed. How come he can say that, and get agreed with, but when I say that it's so cool to breathe the same air as One Direction I get weird looks and discussions about therapists. Totes unfair.

After we left the park we want to a market with a bunch of homemade stuff. I felt so bad for them all, a bunch of the ladies couldn't even break a 20 and that's only 2 American dollars. I tried my best to buy something from every stand, and just take their prices as they were without haggling to get cheaper ones. I had plenty of money to spend and it's not like we'd have many other shopping opportunies. And the fact that a bunch of them had little kids with them and they're stuff was truly amazing. 

That's basically everything we did today and right now were driving back to the B&B aka home because wifi connects automatically.

I saw God today in the fact that he made all these animals for our enjoyment when we really don't need them all. Like, I mean they sorta needed them in the older days but no one really eats giraffes. I remember Mrs Carnehl teaching me something along those lines in 4th grade, and it just reminded me. And in the ladies at the market who really desperately wanted to sell you anything they could just to help their families. 

Here's the quotes I was talking about:

Jodie: *eating egg* Hm. Tastes like egg.
Gracie: Gee I wonder why.

Jodie: *eating yogurt*  Ooh it's like vanilla with a pear aftertaste... *checks wrapper* Huh, Vanilla Pear, who'd have guessed?

Gracie: Spells like animals..

KP: *turns off 1D*
B: "Ah.. Finally the sounds of nature."
*huge bus zooms by*
B: except for that...

K: you're like a bird who's too lazy to fly, Gracie! 

G: Animal planet doesn't lie

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