Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Last Blog...

I absolutely HATE writing this. I wrote the thing you'll see after this intro on the drive back from Kruger, because I was thinking about it... This blog was such a huge part of my trip and it just feels yucky ending it. I don't like the thought. I really do think I'll be writing another one, I just had so much fun with this! I could write what I thought was important and people actually read it and commented and stuff! Just an amazing feeling! But.. I guess everything ends eventually.

This is my last blog for this trip. I'm so proud. I made so many friends, I went out of my comfort zone and most importantly I had so much fun.

I've done things on this trip I thought I'd never do. First of all, being on a plane for 20 hours, and not having wifi most of the week. I talked to kids without fear and pushed myself not to be shy. I gave hugs and held hands and taught to the best of my ability and worked so so hard.

I've also done things on this trip that people I admire and love haven't done. I went to freakin South Africa! I got to teach the class of my dreams. I was a teacher! People literally called me teacher! And I got to play writer too. I made a difference. A real difference and people will remember me. It may just be 30 kids in a tiny poor town in Africa but they still will. I helped them and taught them and now they might even have a better faith in Jesus. That's just so amazing to me that I got to have the opportunity to help someone do that and learn that. 

They'll probably be still wearing my bracelets and maybe even still fist bumping and saying the bomb diggity. Like oh my gosh wow. 

My life really changed this trip and God was with me helping me to be strong and courageous the whole time. When I was homesick he blessed me, he helped me not to be shy, he gave me words to use to teach and most of all he loved me and was with me and gave me this amazing opportunity.

Thank you to all my loyal readers of this blog and all of you who commented and supported me through this entire trip. Thank you to Mr Rudi and Miss Stel and Hartmann and Jen for taking me with you and caring for me enough to give me and everyone else this amazing trip. Finally, thank you for the three awesome, superb, epic and lovely girls who came with me. I honestly think I can call each of you my best friends. We shared memories and experiences that no one else I know has had, and I know we're going to keep this bond going. I just can't bear the thought that we wouldn't. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you. 

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