Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 1- Fun Deprived

Alrighty, first blog of the actual trip. Let's see if I can do this.

Basically, today we really were just traveling. I suppose a lot happened anyway. Gracie and I sat together for all 3 flights, but we couldn't sleep much because we were uncomfortable. At the beginning of the trip I was extremely excited because I had coloring books and puzzles galore. Fifteen minutes in however, I was so bored that I was playing tetris on the mini screen in front of my seat.

If I were to write about this ride, all you'd see were some delusional comments about bread making a good pet, disgusting food, and me occasionally watching movies or reading a book. Boring. Very, very boring. Even just to type.

There was only like... One memorable part of the day, and that was the bathroom.

 Basically, there's this bathroom and we went into it right after we got off the plane before we got our passports checked. Now, we had a lot of amazing things to say and play with in this room. First of all, there was this ad when you walked in, advertising an Elephant ride place. Their slogan was "Not your average elephant experience." We laughed about that for a solid 3 minutes before continuing on to make many jokes about our personal average elephant experiences. The next thing we noticed was that the toilets flushed the wrong way. The water goes backwards! This also amused us for a full 3 minutes as we all went into stalls and flushed the toilets to make sure Bridget wasn't just making this up. Finally, we held a soap war, which was pretty epic and self explanatory. And that was it. Yes. I just wrote a full paragraph about the bathroom. That's how you can tell we were seriously fun deprived.


The end of the day wasn't quite as good. I got into the car to go to our temporary hotel, and was very very queasy. I was alright for half the ride but then ended up throwing up the peanut butter cracker I tried to eat. I was really sad and freaked out for a bit because, uh, here I am in a third world country puking up a cracker. But I really think that by the end of the trip I'll forget about it. I just really hope I start feeling better tomorrow morning when I wake up:)


Despite the deprivedness of fun and how I almost practically died, although I'm keeping that very vague as all the readers reading this part did not read the last part. It was a good day.

PS: The reason I have a blog but the other girls don't tonight is because I'm all alone in the room recovering! I'll link their URL's later.

I don't know how to do pictures on here yet. So you're all gonna have to deal.



  1. I'm glad you all made it there safely, and that we all know NOW how their bathrooms differ from ours! I hope you feel better, Kayleigh. Cannot wait to hear more, and to see your pictures!

  2. I'm sure after you sleep you'll feel better. Traveling takes a lot out of you and I have never even been on a plane for as long as you were.

    Grandma Peach loved to collect toilet paper during her travels in Europe. In fact she sent Grandpa Jim a sample from every country she went too. Foreign Bathroom inspection must be a genetic talent.

    I hope you get to ride on an Elephant!

  3. Love your blog and your description of things you had me laughing. Now for the part I was not supposed to read. Must admit my eyes inadvertently slipped into the paragraph and read every word. So sorry you are not feeling good its probably the lack of sleep and acclamation phase! With a good nights sleep you should have a better day tomorrow. Keep writing...

    Grandma Gaga

  4. Well, you know you're not starting the trip on a high point when the best part is the bathroom! You make me laugh... you have your Da's sense of humor.

    I've never had an elephant experience. I did have a camel experience in Morocco. You've probably seen pictures of that.

    I am sure thing will improve from here on out.

    Let me know how that elephant thing works out for you...

    Love, Papa

  5. Kay,

    I have just about given up communicating with you in any way shape or form. Somehow I got linked to your email and was unable to communicate with you because I am not a child. Can you believe that! At any rate, now that I've spent the last few hours trying to figure all this out, I'm glad you arrived safely. Sorry you "puked" but I'm sure it was your body reacting to the long journey. At any rate sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite...tomorrow is the beginning of your wonderful adventure. Looking forward to your next blog.

    Love, Grandma Peach
