Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 2- Livin the Dream

Sorry I didn't get this up last night, so much happened and I was exhausted!! Here's the recap.

First off yesterday, we ate breakfast. Now, this wasn't any breakfast. This was the breakfast of rockstars. They had every single food that you could possibly imagine. Even cheese. Oh, and if you want the best bacon in the whole world, you know where to go. They had this epic toaster too, and it was the coolest thing ever. You put the bread onto the conveyor belt thingy and then it dropped it out the bottom. When I'm rich, that's the kinda toaster I want. Finally, they had MEAT JAM. MEAT MIXED WITH JAM. I just can't anymore. This world is evolving into such a great place. 

Anyway, after we ate our breakfast of the champions, we headed to the Apartheid Museum. The roads to get there are terrifying. Our catchphrase was "Gun it, Mrs. Klein." No one drives very well, and the streets don't always have signs with what they are. Plus, our car isn't really the best, and occasionally it would like stop for a minute or so until someone like restarted it or something like that. I dunno, but we sure got stuck a lot. 

The Apartheid Museum was amazingly moving. I loved their little motto on their brochure. It basically said "Apartheid is exactly where it belongs- in a museum." I just really liked that. It was really scary though, because all the things that went on with that time in their history basically happened in the 90's. That's around the same time as like.. Blues Clues came out and they were still in the time of thinking that people are unequal because of something they can't control. It's just sorta crazy. 

Next up, we went to an animal park. That was my favorite part of the entire day. First, we went to see baby lions and went in the cage with them! We got to pet them and hug them and take pictures with them. It was the best. Can you say that you got scratched by a lion while you were trying to pet it?! I think not! Next, we got to feed giraffes. That was amazing, but terrifying. Next, we got to drive through this safari like thing and see all sorts of huge cats extremely close to the car. I'll never have to go to a zoo again. 

Finally, we got in the car to go to the Bed and Breakfast. I love this B&B so much. It's beautiful and feels very safe and everyone's extremely nice. 

I feel like God was really with us all the times that I was terrified we were going to crash in the car and be killed, because we clearly weren't and I'm alive!! Yay! He was also definitely with me when I was homesick. Everytime I was upset he blessed me with having people happening to wake up and distract me. It's really a huge blessing to come here and I'm very excited for Monday when we all get to see the kids. 


  1. Add "meat jam" to the list of things you need to bring home. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Lots of new experiences here. From Toast to Crazy foreign drivers. I love that you have such an open mind to these new things and realize how lucky we are even if its just having a quiet drive to the store with stop lights and drivers following the rules. Your Da loves to drive in Italy because it sounds like the way they drive in South Africa...Crazy! I can't wait to see all the pictures of the animals!

  3. I'm so happy you have this blog and are able to share all of your wonderful experiences with us. Although I've never had any desire to go to South Africa, after your descriptions perhaps I'll put it on my bucket list.

  4. Can just imagine you at the animal park. Your day sounded amazing. I am so happy for you!
