Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 5- J-J-J-Joy

Last night when I wrote Day 4, I don't think I added me and Gracie's amazing shower war. Basically, what happened was that we were arguing about who got to shower first and then we fought each other with a hairbrush and a colored pencil. Gracie eventually ran into the bathroom and locked the door, but what she forgot about was that the light switch was on the outside. I turned off the light which terrified her and she practically ran out of the bathroom. Then, Miss Stel said that if we didn't stop arguing in 2 minutes, she'd be the one to shower first so we sorta speeded up on our fight. It eventually ended in me running into the bathroom and locking the door and then just showering in the dark when Gracie tried to do the same thing. It was actually quite fun.

I woke up super proud, because last night was the first night that I fully slept through! I went to bed at 11:30 and slept all the way until 6:55 and it's the most sleep I've gotten this whole trip, and probably actually the whole month. We ate breakfast at the B&B and decided that Gracie was the evil older sister I never wanted.

Next up, we went to the school and helped organize their library, and then we went to the kitchen and buttered hot dog buns and made lunches for an hour and a half.

After that, we went to the bakery. If my dad's reading this, I didn't buy your yeast because it was 40 US dollars. So deal with it. The bakery was quite interesting anyway though. They make 600-800 loaves a day and sell them all in 5 hours, and the only machines they had in the building was a big thing to make dough and an oven. They kneaded and cut the dough up all by themselves. And they only sell them for 75 cents!

Finally, we got to go hang out with the kids. We taught two lessons, one being Religion and one being math. We also got to play some games with Grade R aka Kindergarten. We tried doing sharks and minnows, with Jodie being the first shark, but instead of trying to run away from her and getting to the other side, they all ran directly to her and hugged her. It was absolutely hilarious. And then after that they were all fighting to hold my hand and I like tried to get them to stop and then the kid who was holding my hand was just laughing at my efforts.

After school ended we played games with them on their playground. Most of them we didn't really know, but they were fun anyway. Some kid was doing ninja moves on me and then he rammed his head into my tummy and I was just really surprised so I like shrieked all girly like and they all bursted into laughter and imitated my scream. Then they were laughing really hard at Gracie when she tried to dance because we all agreed that she has no rhythm. And then we were all joking about how Gracie was the favorite of everyone until she started dancing. Right before we left we “helped” some kids with homework, even though we mostly just distracted them. Apparently they didn't know what the bomb diggity meant or how to fist bump, so we had fun teaching them that and trying to pronounce their names and just getting laughed at.

Finally we went to dinner and had a very African style dinner of cheeseburgers and mac and cheese. Oh, and had an in-depth discussion about how Peeta was a very important character, even though he didn't do much to help in The Hunger Games, but it was mostly just me talking... Oh well. The waiter also had the coolest accent and he sounded a lot like Louis Tomlinson from One Direction.

I really saw God today in all the kids and how excited they were to see us, and how much they really just wanted to hold our hand. Plus, I saw it in the fact that they were really happy to just be at school, when most kids in the USA hate it with a passion.

Alright, well I have to go because Miss Hartmann and Miss Stel are acting like a teenage girls. Some of the best parts were “Omg I haven't even taken like a selfie today” and “He posted on your wall and not mine?! Oh my gosh he totally likes you better then me!” It's absolutely hilarious and I'm like, dying of laughter right now.

Welp bye! I'll leave you with these cute videos of the kids. Also, if you watch in the background, you can see some of the kids imitating Gracie dancing and laughing at her.


  1. Kayleigh, I am LOVING your blog! I was just telling Kaleigh that I wish your new post would be there already, and we refreshed the screen to find that you just posted it! YAY! Your friend, Kaleigh, is standing here, very impatiently, as always - wanting to see your video, so she's not letting me finish what I wanted to say.

  2. Ha! Gracie gets her turn to big the mean big sister. Maybe this will teach you to be nicer to Jimmy when you get home. Nah.

    $40 for yeast? Forget it. Although it would have been nice to have African yeast bread for my meat jam. Maybe we could teach them the wild yeast sour dough technique and cut down on their costs while providing a specialty bread? And why can I imagine you trying to explain Peeta to the bakers?

    Glad you are sleeping better! I can't see the videos. If they are making fun of Gracie, don't let them see you dance!

    Keep up the great writing!

  3. Fist bumping is an important skill to learn. Keep writing your blog, I spoke to Mr. Tom today and he said he was enjoying as well..It sounds like every day is an new adventure. I bet you loved hanging with Grade R.

  4. Can't wait to see the video! Please repost.

  5. Teacha Kayleigh,

    Greetings from Door County. Wilson's misses you! But what an inspiring day you had. I'm so proud of you and all that you accomplished in such a short period of time. You go girl! I'm sure God is watching out for you.

    Love, Grandma Peach (grandma's having a hard time posting)

  6. Teacha Kayleigh,

    I have never been so into the computer until your blog. Love reading about your day and can just picture you with all the kids around you and everyone smiling. You are truly making a difference, so proud and anxious for the next post. Happy you had a good nights sleep.

    Love, Grandma Gaga

  7. Kayleigh,
    Love your blog! I knew the kids would just love you there! We love hearing about your adventures. You are such a good writer. Love you!

    Aunt Barbie, Uncle Jay, Madeline, and Charlie
